Saturday, January 4, 2014

Travel tips

Here are a few travel tips that I live by:
  • I always pack Clorox Disinfecting wipes with me for the plane. You can buy little packs of these in the travel section of Walmart/Target. You can also put some from a bigger container into a Ziploc baggie.  When you get on the plane, wipe down all of your arm rests, try tables, seat buckles and I even go as far as to wipe down the air nozzles above head.
  • Get one of those little plastic accordion folders. You can sometimes find them in the dollar bins at Target. Make a section for your gift cards, cash for airport food, index itinerary cards, travel vouchers, etc.
  • If you have booked an early morning flight, buy a pack of muffins and some single serve juice or milk at the grocery store before your trip. That way the kids can eat on the drive to the airport.
  • If you fly out of a big airport, like Logan in Boston, it is easier to spilt up on arrival. Drop one parent, preferably the Mom, curbside at your departure terminal, while the other parent(preferably the Dad) drives and leaves the car at the long term parking lot. This saves you from parking and loading baggage, strollers and small children onto an airport shuttle. So, drop Mom, kids, stroller and as many bags as she can manage and then meet inside. Remember to thank your Husband for parking the car.
  • Make sure to pack your swim suits, sunblock(in small 3 oz bottles), a change of shorts or warm weather clothes, swim diapers, arm floaties, hats, sunglasses, and anything else you may need at the hotel before your bags arrive. It takes a few hours for Magical Express to have your luggage to your room.
  • Make your kids nap on the plane! I know with little ones it is super exciting to fly. Explain to them if they take a nap, it will make getting there faster. Also, that it will give them energy to go to a park when you get there. If  they do, you can nap also! Everyone will be ready to enjoy your vacation the moment that plane lands!
  • If you arrive to your Resort and your room is not ready, be polite and do not freak out at the hotel receptionist! There is nothing worse than watching someone else loose it when checking into the most magical place on earth! If this happens, chill out. Put on your vacation panties and relax! You can check your bags and any other items you wish at Bell Services. Then, you can hit the pool or a park and go to your room when you are done. Bell Services will bring your bags right to you.

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